High-Performance Differentials, Axles, and Drivelines

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All too often, when an enthusiast builds a high-performance engine, swaps a more powerful engine into a car, or mounts sticky tires, the driveline components simply can't handle the added torque and fail. In addition, differential, axles, and driveline parts have a limited life span under the power of a high-performance engine. Also, the proper gear ratios need to be selected and installed for maximum performance on the street, strip, or track. The performance of the driveshaft, differential, axle, and other driveline components needs to match the performance level of a particular engine, so maximum efficiency, longevity, and reliability can be realized.

This book covers everything you need to know about selecting the most desirable gear ratio, rebuilding differentials and other driveline components, and most importantly, matching the correct driveline components to engine power output. Learn how to set up a limited-slip differential, install high-performance axle shafts, swap out differential gears, and select the best available products for the driveline. This book covers the Chevy 12-bolt, Ford 8.8-inch, Dana units, and many other popular high-performance axles and rear ends. In addition, it explains rear differential basics, rear differential housings, rebuilding open rear differentials, limited-slip differentials, and factory differentials. Ring and pinion gears, axle housings, axle shafts, driveshafts, and U-joints are also covered.

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